Episode 7 | Masturbation is Good For You
This time around I go through all the ins, outs, ups and downs of masturbation for both guys and girls, including highlights of the many physical and psychological benefits of regularly scheduled orgasms either with a playmate or flying solo. The listener call-in line is now live at 517-376-3116, feel free to call with feedback or questions.
Hi there,
I’ve listened to all of your podcasts, and after so many hours getting to know you, I’d love to put a face to the voice. Can you post a photo or two of you and your girlfriend? Maybe on your Facebook page? Thanks.
I’d love to, but unfortunately Shara and I both have day jobs that require us to maintain an illusion of mainstream respectability. One day, perhaps, but not today
I can attest to the health factor of masturbation, in between actual sexual encounters of course. I had what was diagnosed as “potentially” a minor case of prostatitis. If you know anything about this condition, youll know what i mean and that it is a mystery to the medical profession. There is no cure, so they say. without getting long winded, I researched some homeopathic methods to combat this. One thing that i read over and over again on forums was to “keep the plumbing flushed.” A steady regimine of “flushing” and the natural benifits as well, WINK WINK, it has yelded awesome results. six years later and i have had no issues what so ever.
Thanks for sharing that Derek. I hadn’t heard of that condition before (I would have mentioned it on the show), but I want to mention it in the next listener mail episode. There are probably a lot of guys out there who didn’t take the time to do the same research, and are suffering needlessly.
Something I wrote about this topic.
She sits there
breathing slowly
in deep holding
feeling the throb of it
then out gently
peace overwhelming her
letting go of everything
utter release
Now completely relaxed
mind open
feeling empty
but ready to filled
she is suddenly aroused
as she thinks about
the body, love, and release
she touches herself
ever so slightly
and suddenly cums
legs quaking
chest heaving
She is utterly at peace
one with everything
alive, energized
and focused
I love reading your work Amanda!!
Ok, well I didn’t really give a real response though thank you for posting the poem. I love masturbating because it allows me to control everything, I can do it when I want to (especially if he isn’t in the mood), and personally I love porn! I am bi but have a b/f so I love that I can have sex with him and then watch some chicks and get off. Personally, I’m not into dual masturbation because I end up wanting to get involved so to speak. I end up wanting to suck it, stroke it, or fuck it… I would love to either have sex or masturbate once a day, at least… I may be a bit of a nympho. lol!
I too wish for a pic but the voice is… lovely and I understand the reasoning for not putting up pics! Maybe one day…
That’s one of the biggest reasons I push masturbation for women…the lack of pressure and the ability to control every aspect of playtime. By the way, I maintain that the word “nympho” was conjured as a pejorative by sexually deprived women who were jealous of those who embraced their sexuality.
Amanda never call yourself a nympho for liking it once a day. That is just healthy. Getting off makes your happy and relaxed. You may have a stronger drive, or just basically are more accepting of the sexual part of human nature. I personally start and end my day with a good O. As I joke with my friends we all need a balanced breakfast. Cherrio’s O’ J and your O are all part of it
I ran across this article online that corroborates what you’ve been talking about–open communication and the differences in men and women’s perceptions. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39785686/
And of course, I advertised your show in my comment–sadly, it’s way at the bottom.
Thanks for sharing that StrangeBird, and of course for the plug. I read through a lot of the comments and saw a depressing number of people who are obviously victims of the Sexual Dark Age. The most striking was the obviously unfulfilled woman who posted that “all he does with it is pee and poke, and neither makes me want to put it in my mouth.” Welcome to Jr. High, I guess
Hi There,
I have just completed an experiment that was a direct result of listening to this podcast, this episode specifically. I can honestly say that I am a victim of the sexual dark age(SDA), but thanks to this podcast and a couple of your devoted listeners, I am working on it. I am a continual learner by nature, and after listening to this podcast, I had a thought- What would happen, if I made sure to get myself off at least once a day, for two weeks? My thoughts, my urges, and the physical and mental changes that could take place were all on the table. And so I actually did it! One week ago, I completed day 14 of my little experiment, and I can certainly say it was an experience.
It was a true experiment as well, since I compiled before and after notes for each day, and a mini summary after the halfway point to note the little changes in my thoughts and feelings. For someone as shackled by the SDA who was only pleasuring herself maybe once a week, this was a big change and I think it made some much needed changes to my mindset. I learned a lot about myself and my body and I would encourage anyone to test out my little experiment for themselves(sans the long winded observation typed journal)and see how they feel after two weeks. Thanks J V for the “inspiring” podcast!
That’s awesome LabPuppy, and I can certainly relate to the need for note taking and a scientific approach (I actually lol’d when reading this for the first time, because I do that kind of shit constantly). I’d love to hear more in-depth info about your results so I can talk about them on one of the Listener Mail episodes. I pretty much guaranteed listeners who took on the homework assignment that they’d see an overall improvement in attitude and motivation, but it’s always nice to have objective third party evidence.
I’m a 20 yr Indian old guy & know as much about sex as much as I did when I was 15.The best I could gather about masturbation until today is that you would loose your “manhood”(sperm forming ability)if you masturbate.This episode was really an eye opener to me.Everyone in this country is having sex,that’s why we r no. 2 in population (1 birth per second – that means one unprotected ,successful sex per second.Remove “unprotected” and “successful” & imagine what would you get!) yet sex is too tabooed to talk about here.None of my friends can watch a kissing scene in a movie with their parents in the same room.I’m really glad that u are where u are & doing what u are.I just heard u yesterday & man u got 1 die hard fan in India.