Shara’s Pornoglyph T-Shirt Sweepstakes, Bitching About The Opposite Sex

As discussed in Episode 39, we’re announcing a t-shirt contest for bitching about the opposite sex and being funny about it. We hope this will be a way to have some fun while we ramp up to talking about the Battle of the Sexes later this year. We pretty much came up with this on the fly while recording, but here’s how it works:

  • The guys and girls are competing against each other as “Team Willies” and “Team Ta Tas.”
  • On October 31, 2011 we’re going to look at all the responses on the homework assignment to bitch about the opposite sex.
  • Whichever team has more responses will advance to the final round.
  • Shara and I will choose the 5 most entertaining complaints from the winning team, and everyone will get a chance to vote for their favorite of those.
  • The winner will get a free pornoglyph t-shirt in whatever size/color/pornoglyph they want.


  • Multiple complaints will each be considered as individual entries, no need to make multiple posts.
  • T-shirts ship direct from, so we can only ship to countries serviced by them.
  • Please include your email address in the appropriate box when posting comments. This will NEVER be made public, but we’ll need to be able to contact the winner.
  • Post any questions about the contest as a response here, this came together pretty quickly and there might well be things we haven’t thought of.

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