Homework | Sexy Checklists

As discussed in Episode 45, your homework this time around is to fill out a BDSM Checklist to show yourself where your kinky desires do or don’t lie. This can be a lot of fun if you do it along with a playmate then trade afterwards, but it’s just as helpful for giving yourself a bird’s eye view of your own sexuality. It might also give you a few ideas you haven’t had before 😉

A lot of the checklists on the page linked below have a hundred or two items on them, so take your time and try to look at each activity long enough to give an honest answer about whether or not it appeals to you.

For extra credit, share some of your own experiences coming out as kinky to playmates.

Printable BDSM Checklist
Links to Lots of Sexy Surveys (including the one above)


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